What if your reps have 1,400 sales assets to choose from – but no core message? According to Forrester, this really is how many sales assets the average company has. (Not to mention who-knows-how-many different marketing assets.) Even if you’re a mid-market B2B company, you probably have more sales decks, one-pagers, playbooks, and online content than your teams know what to do with. So, it’s hard to imagine anything could possibly be missing in your … [Continue reading]
Messaging and Positioning
Friday Finds: Quick takes on hardworking messages found in the wild

Friday Find #27: Hear the whole story We spotted this message outside a hearing aid store, and it came through loud and clear … This sign could’ve just said, “Meet with a qualified audiologist.” But messages like that are too easy to tune out. So, this company put a big wakeup call in their window instead. The takeaway? People respond when messaging creates tension between their present state (only hearing the gist) and their ideal state (hearing … [Continue reading]
Are you writing like a robot?

Too much of the sales and marketing messaging in the B2B world is just plain robotic. It’s stiff, predictable, and packed with “corporate speak”. You feel like you’ve heard it all before … and you have. Which is why so much of it gets ignored. So, I decided to try an experiment: I would see if an actual robot could come up with something better (looking at you, ChatGPT). Getting emotional about B2B messaging I … [Continue reading]
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