What if your reps have 1,400 sales assets to choose from – but no core message? According to Forrester, this really is how many sales assets the average company has. (Not to mention who-knows-how-many different marketing assets.) Even if you’re a mid-market B2B company, you probably have more sales decks, one-pagers, playbooks, and online content than your teams know what to do with. So, it’s hard to imagine anything could possibly be missing in your … [Continue reading]
Marketing & Sales Messaging
Why B2B CMOs have got to be kidding

You’d think humor would be the last thing on CMO minds right now. After all, being a CMO in 2023 is no joke. I know because I Googled it. A quick search turned up more than 7 million results dedicated to the plight of modern marketers. I didn’t read all 7 million, but I read a lot of them. It turns out that today’s C-suite marketers are up against pretty much everything. Global economic uncertainty. … [Continue reading]
Friday Finds: Quick takes on hardworking messages found in the wild

Friday Find #27: Hear the whole story We spotted this message outside a hearing aid store, and it came through loud and clear … This sign could’ve just said, “Meet with a qualified audiologist.” But messages like that are too easy to tune out. So, this company put a big wakeup call in their window instead. The takeaway? People respond when messaging creates tension between their present state (only hearing the gist) and their ideal state (hearing … [Continue reading]
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