Friday Find #27: Hear the whole story We spotted this message outside a hearing aid store, and it came through loud and clear … This sign could’ve just said, “Meet with a qualified audiologist.” But messages like that are too easy to tune out. So, this company put a big wakeup call in their window instead. The takeaway? People respond when messaging creates tension between their present state (only hearing the gist) and their ideal state (hearing … [Continue reading]
One thing to ask before your sales kickoff next month
Hey marketing and sales leaders, it’s that time of year again. You’re getting ready for the big annual event for your sales organization. You’ve got a lot of announcements to make. There will be some new training. You’ve picked a keynote speaker. And, even though you won’t be bringing back the dancing bears, you’re determined to make a bigger splash this year than last. That’s all great. But there’s one thing to ask yourself before … [Continue reading]
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