In 1982, Harvard Business School professors Renato Tagiuri and John Davis published an article in Family Business Review that changed the way people understand family businesses. It was based on a model they developed at Harvard in the ’70s. Until this point, there had been several attempts at explaining the family business system, but no one had cracked the code. Over 30 years later, this framework is still drawn by entrepreneurs, academics, and consultants all … [Continue reading]
Whiteboard Sketch
INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Instant Whiteboards for B2B Selling
People remember what they see. And that goes for your sales prospects, too. It’s the science behind visual selling. That’s great, but you’re no Picasso. So what about the art side of things? No worries. All you need is a whiteboard, napkin, or business card … something to write with … and one of these five outrageously simple starting points: (1) The Wordster, (2) Numberboard, (3) Pie-licious, (4) The Lineup, and (5) X Meets Why. … [Continue reading]