You’ve got the perfect solution for your prospect. You’ve shown her how much it could benefit her company. And yet, you keep hearing that it’s just not the right time. Or it’s too much change. Or there’s not enough buy-in from various stakeholders. Or it’s not in the budget. Chances are, those are not the real deal killers. So, what is stopping your prospect from signing on the dotted line? Why they’re just not buying … [Continue reading]
Three B2C messaging hacks for B2B marketers

On a recent flight to San Francisco, I rediscovered some great messaging hacks from the daughter and business partner of the man who “invented” positioning. I was reading her new book about the most successful consumer advertising slogans of all time. The more she talked about the techniques used to create these B2C messages, the more I thought about how well they translate to B2B messaging. The book is called Battlecry, by Laura Ries. In … [Continue reading]
LEADERVIEW: A CMO’s advice to young marketers

In this PitchMaps Leaderview, Rachel Spasser, previously CMO of Ariba and now CMO and Operating Principal at Accel-KKR, discusses how B2B marketing has changed in recent years – and what it takes to win in today’s world. Below is an edited transcript of our conversation with Rachel. PitchMaps: Could you tell us a little bit about your background, and what you’re doing now? Rachel Spasser: Sure. I’ve been in business development, marketing, and sales now … [Continue reading]