Capturing your sales message on a whiteboard isn’t easy. We’ve often found ourselves scribbling odd shapes, confusing graphs, and funny-looking stick figures until the eleventh hour as we try to come up with the “big idea” for a client’s whiteboard sketch. That said, we’ve found that the best whiteboards typically have three core elements. And once you know what you’re shooting for, it’s easier to hit the target. Three elements of a winning whiteboard sketch: … [Continue reading]
How to sell big, costly, disruptive solutions. And root canals.
My dentist just walked me through the buyer’s journey. Boy, did it hurt. But it was worth it. I learned a crucial lesson about how to sell costly, disruptive solutions. Without going into the painful details, I’ll just say this: the buyer’s journey is all about three stages of agreement. I was not willing to do anything about that stupid tooth until my kind-and-gentle dentist could get me to agree on three things: (1) it … [Continue reading]
I think we just discovered a new sales channel. It’s called paper.
Our firm loves all things digital. We’re almost a 100% paperless office. Virtually everything we do lives in the cloud. I’m writing this blog post on Evernote right now and will probably edit it on my iPhone in the produce aisle of our neighborhood grocery. About the only thing I use paper for is taking notes in client meetings – and that’s only because I can’t draw diagrams fast enough on my laptop. The big … [Continue reading]