How many times have you worked hard to give a great sales presentation only to receive blank stares at the end of it? It’s often because a lot of pitch pitfalls masquerade as best practices. And even the seasoned seller can fall into them. So next time you walk into a sales meeting with a skeptical prospect – or create marketing materials for that prospect – watch out for these five B2B messaging “best practices” … [Continue reading]
The 5-Point Pitch
Watch what happens if you tell prospects they’re on the wrong plane
Too many prospects will politely smile and nod through your entire sales pitch – when all they’re really doing is nodding off to sleep. How do you wake them up? It takes an eye-opener – an unexpected problem or issue that will grab their attention early on in your sales message. One of the most effective eye-openers we use is to tell prospects they’re on the wrong plane…. “Excuse me, but what did you just … [Continue reading]
How to pitch to very senior executives (a 10-point checklist)
These are the kind of people who schedule their day in 15-minute blocks. They have notoriously short attention spans – but if they’re willing to meet, you’ll get their undivided attention. Here are 10 things they wish you would do when you pitch to them. 1. Cut to the chase. Boil everything down to the essentials. Go into your meeting with 3-5 key points (we do this with a framework we call The 5-Point Pitch). … [Continue reading]