Your core sales and marketing message is supposed to be evergreen. Sure, some details may change. But at the heart of your message is a fundamental brand positioning that should stand the test of time. You repeat it over and over again – to employees, customers, and the kid next door – so it becomes the one thing your company is known for. In a perfect world, this is easy. But what if something goes … [Continue reading]
Brand Positioning
What to do when your competitors are all screaming for attention

I’m sitting here on the plane about to take off from Vancouver, BC where we just presented messaging and positioning ideas to a great technology client in a very hot space. As always, we took a look at their competitors’ messaging. It turns out, almost all their competitors are positioning as the leader. No surprises there. We see this pattern across a lot of industries. What was surprising were the grandiose superlatives rampant in the … [Continue reading]
LEADERVIEW: A CMO’s advice to young marketers

In this PitchMaps Leaderview, Rachel Spasser, previously CMO of Ariba and now CMO and Operating Principal at Accel-KKR, discusses how B2B marketing has changed in recent years – and what it takes to win in today’s world. Below is an edited transcript of our conversation with Rachel. PitchMaps: Could you tell us a little bit about your background, and what you’re doing now? Rachel Spasser: Sure. I’ve been in business development, marketing, and sales now … [Continue reading]