Capturing your sales message on a whiteboard isn’t easy. We’ve often found ourselves scribbling odd shapes, confusing graphs, and funny-looking stick figures until the eleventh hour as we try to come up with the “big idea” for a client’s whiteboard sketch. That said, we’ve found that the best whiteboards typically have three core elements. And once you know what you’re shooting for, it’s easier to hit the target. Three elements of a winning whiteboard sketch: … [Continue reading]
Back-of-a-Napkin Sketch
Draw to a close (Part 1): Winning business on the whiteboard
One of our clients’ clients (the CIO of a Fortune 1000) recently came up to me after a meeting at a business association we’re both involved in. He had just met with his vendor (our client) over lunch and was impressed with the new way they were telling their story. What stood out to him the most? The simple little diagram they drew for him in the restaurant. It summarized their network infrastructure challenges with … [Continue reading]